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Olde Mecklenburg Brewery

At OMB, our unwavering commitment to fresh, pure, premium-quality beer isn’t just a slogan. It’s an integral part of who we are.

We strictly follow the world’s oldest beer purity law, the renowned German “Reinheitsgebot,” which states that beer should only contain four ingredients: water, malt, hops, and yeast. Our brewing practice never compromises on quality, forgoing cheap ingredients, artificial flavors, and added colors. If you want to brew world-class beer, you’ve got to use the best ingredients and sweat the details. We never let cost or speed get in the way of excellence.

Our mission is to bring the Carolinas the freshest beer possible. We may be perfectionists, but when you taste our beer, we think you’ll agree that it’s totally worth it. Prost!




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